Remember to apply for cards only if you know you will be able to meet the minimum spend responsibly. Never get a card without a plan for knowing how you will be meeting the minimum spend. Otherwise you’ll find yourself scrambling and spending money unnecessarily. A successful welcome bonus will be when you meet the minimum spend with money you are ALREADY going to be spending anyway. Save cards with higher minimum spends for when you know you have a big expense coming up.
The Best Elevated Credit Card Welcome Bonuses
- Chase Ink Business Preferred
- 100,000 point welcome bonus
- $8,000 minimum spend in 3 months
- $95 annual fee
- Wont affect your 5/24
- Apply straight through the internet, not a referral link. The referral link asks for a $10,000 minimum spend in 3 months
- Chase Marriott Bonvoy Boundless personal credit card
- Welcome bonus is elevated from 3 free night certificates to 5 free night certificates
- Free night certificates for rooms 50,000 points and under
- Minimum spend is $5,000 in 3 months
- Annual fee $95
- Will affect your 5/24
- Apply here:
- American Express Business Platinum
- Welcome bonus is elevated from 100,000 to 120,000 points
- Minimum spend is $15,000 in 3 months
- $695 annual fee
- Wont affect your 5/24
- Apply here:
- Chase Southwest Premier Business credit card
- offer ends SEPT 4!
- Welcome bonus can be up to 120,000 points. A Companion Pass requires 135,000 points, so this would get you extremely close. You get 60,000 points after spending $3,000 in 3 months. You get the additional 60,000 points after spending $15,000 in the first 9 months.
- $99 annual fee
- Wont affect 5/24
- Apply here:
Honestly, the top 2 are the best ones for normal people that don’t have a business in which they need to spend a lot of money. If you’re looking to open a card to start your points journey its best to go with the oldie but goodies this month:
- Chase Sapphire Preferred- 60,000 welcome bonus after $4,000 in 3 months
- Chase Ink Business cards- 75,000 welcome bonus after $6,000 in 3 months
- Capital One Venture or Venture X- 75,000 miles after $4,000 in 3 months
- Apply for these here:
September Transfer Bonuses
WARNING: Only transfer points to an airline or hotel chain when you know you will be using it. Once you transfer points from a bank program to a travel partner, you cannot switch them back. Do your research beforehand and transfer only what you’ll need. Keep in mind you’ll have to transfer a bit less than what is needed for your trip because of the bonus that will be applied. Do the math!
- Chase
- Aer Lingus- 30% bonus
- British Airways- 30% bonus
- Marriott- 50% bonus
- American Express
- Flying Blue/KLM/Air France- 25% bonus
- Capital One
- None
- Citi
- Wyndham- 20% bonus
- Chase Southwest Personal credit cards are offering you the opportunity to earn 5x the points on every dollar you spend in gas stations, grocery stores, and restaurants. Registration is required. Register through the link below:
- Wait for your Rakuten online shopping until Labor Day. That’s when they give the highest return earnings. Think double digits 🤑
- Check and add all offers that seem interesting to you on your credit cards for an extra boost of savings, I just added one on my American Express Gold card for Spirit Halloween that gives back $15 after you spend $75. I always shop there for spooky season, so this works out great for me 👻
If you will be applying for any credit card I would appreciate if you used my referral links located in my linktree below. It is a no cost to you way to support my page and content. Thank you in advance ☺️